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The term "Reloctation Consultant" is an                                             for more info click here
all-encompassing business that involves everything
 that has to do with transferring people.

The task of a relocation consultant may include any or all of the
following activities and services that generally come with moving to a
new location:

+ Select a moving company.
+ Selling the old house .
+ Finding and buying a new home or renting a new apartment.
+ Suggesting schools, churches, etc.
+ Spouse job placement counseling

Of course you choose which services you want to include in your repertoire.
However, on a joint-effort with other professionals in your area, you can
really offer an extensive menu of services.

Relocation consultants do not own moving companies. They hire moving
companies for and on behalf of the client. As a relocation consultant,
you also deal with real estate agents, travel agencies, and career
consultants. You control the middle ground where all these services merge
to fulfill the needs of your client.

The most important issue in any relocation is where your client will
reside in their new city or state. Some clients buy a home in the new
city before they move.
Others prefer to rent, giving themselves enough time to become familiar
with the area before buying a house.

Most relocation consultants receive their commission from the real estate
agent. However, if your client wants to rent, as opposed to immediately
buying a home, the company relocating your client will more than likely
pick up the tab, usually equal to one month's rent.

Some rental properties, however, will pay a relocation consultant a
commission equal to one month's rent.

You can do a real volume business by targeting large corporate accounts.
Companies in high-technology related products and services are the growth
markets in relocation.

Contracts for technical top-guns range 3 to 5 years, so you can expect
excellent turn over in the high-tech industry. Concentrating on a specific
industry gives you credibility and lots of referrals.